(Case study at BP2IP Barombong, PIP Makassar and BP2IP Tanggerang)
Polytechnic of Merchant Marine, Surabaya, Indonesia
This study aims to describe the implementation educational and training management in the Maritime Education and Training Services (BP2IP) Barombong, Merchant Marine Polytechnic (PIP) Makassar and the Maritime Education and Training Services (BP2IP) Tangerang.This study employs a qualitative approach through a casestudy. Data collective did by (1) interview, (2) study documentation such as photos and files, (3) observation role. Result of the study point out that: (1) the education and training divided into three majors such as deck, engine and port governance, (2) the Establishment of management function has been running based on the strategic plan, (3) motivation improvement and quality assurance is currently needed in the education and training progress so that the institution will be able to deliver the professional seafarer learners with high competitiveness and meet the national and international standard of competency.
Key Words: educational management, training, merchant marine institute, BP2IP, PIP.
Regard with the rapid developmentof science and technology, the human resources need to be more educated, trained, qualified and creative. Darmawan (2010) explained that maritime and its industry also need high quality of human resources. The existence of a government’s policy through sabotage principle and IMO in term of ‘GO TO SEA’cause the need for maritime export-import increased. The total international officers only about 7.000 people.
The Indonesia Ministry of Transport data revealed that the demand of sailors of either officers or rating will be continuously increasing. Nowadays, the demand for sailors rises to 1.103 million people with 190.762 for officers and 913.408 for rating. This number of demand will continuously increase as the global business dynamic keeps developing while the ability to provide those professional sailors is still limited. Based on the International Maritime Organization (IMO) data centered in London, the world needs about 16.000 more people for maritime officers.
The problem occurs not only in Indonesia but also the worldwide. This causes Indonesian maritime officers to prefer working for international maritime because they guarantee a higher salary. It is due to most people in Asia, Europe and America prefer working in the office. Through the president instruction No. 2 2005, National voyage empowerment should implement the sabotage principle consequently to empower the industry of national voyage. This instruction is a new hope to develop national voyage company to produce more.
This study is taken place at Maritime Education and Training Services (BP2IP) located in Barombong, Merchant Marine Polytechnic (PIP) Makassar and Maritime Education and Training Services (BP2IP) Tangerang. The writer chose these locations because the BP2IP Barombong adds a religious material subject. While in BP2IP Tangerang is still newly built. Therefore, the writer also wishes to compare the new institution to the old one. However, PIP Makassar also an institution conducting Diploma IV Program. Thus, the writer conducted cross-case analysis study to explore each of the institute educational management.
This study discussed detail about the planning, organizing, motivation, controlling and guarantying the quality of the Education and Training of Merchant Marine Institute formation in Barombong; Tangerang and Makassar.
Management Concept
Some experts in management propose the definition of management with a different formulation. Robbins (1988) stated that management is a process of getting activities completed efficiently with and through other people. While according to Terry (2000), management is a distinct process consisting of planning, organizing, actuating and controlling performance to determine and accomplished stated objectives by the use of human beings and other resources. Griffin (2002) implied that management process includes four activities, are planning, decision making, organizing, leading and controlling. Related to the management process, Schermerhorn (1996)also argued that there is four fundamental functions of management, including planning, organizing, leading, andcontrolling. Management function, according to Draft (2003) such are; planning, organizing, leading and controlling.
Planning means determining organization purpose, achieving the goal, and making a decision. It is choice or goal determination, strategy decision, policy, project, program, procedure, methods, system, estimation and standard needed to achieve the goal (Handoko, 2001). Meanwhile, Winardi (2000) stated that planning includes things to do in the future and things to be concrete. Management planning is a significant thing to do seriously because the basis to run the management programs is to achieve the goal. Planning also determines purposes to be achieved and implements sources needed as effective as possible.
Nawawi (2000) argued that organizing is the corporation system done through classification. Garrison (1988) mentioned that organizing is the process of placing human resource well effectively to achieve the plans. Engler (1988) also stated that organizing means combining and ruling human resource and material in one action to achieve the goal targeted. Based on the previous explanation, organizing means a process to classify work into smaller assignments or smaller group based on the capability. It also means locating the human resource and coordinating each division to better the corporation relationship.
Motivation can be defined as someone’s energy to create their enthusiasm in doing an activity. Motivation can be got from either their own selves or other people. The stronger motivation of people, the more self-quality they get. To understand more about motivation, below the explanation of some motivation theory of Abraham H Maslow and Herzberg.
Abraham Theory (Theory of Demand)
The motivation theory developed by Abraham H. Maslow viewed that human has five levels of demand, including physiological needs, safety needs, love needs, esteem needs and self-actualization.
Herzberg Theory (Theory of dual factors)
The second scientist who develops motivation theory is Herzberg who explained about two factors of motivation, are: motivational factor and hygiene factor. Motivational factor means things that push up internal achievement while hygiene motivation means external factors that may influence someone’s life behavior. One of the challenges to understanding and to interpret Herzberg’s theory is considering the proper factor that strongly influences someone’s behavior, internally and externally.
Wagner and Hollenbeck (in Mantja, 2002) argued that controlling is the management function needed to evaluate the organization performance or units in an organization. This is to stabilize the development based on the goal. Hasibuan (2001) explained that controlling is the last function of the management process. This function is important because it determines the management process. Thus, controlling is one of the management functions that determine the result of the management process as the plan planned to achieve the goal.
Quality Assurance
Regard with the improvement of quality assurance on national education, the Ministry of National Education issuing law No. 63 of 2009 about the system of national education quality mentioned that national education qualifier is the systematical activity of the educational program. Edward Sallis (1993) tried to adopt the problem of quality in economy and business to education by matching things as its characteristics. Unfortunately, quality is a slippery matter that may impact bad thing to people. One common example is when people talk about quality, it means they are talking about price, expensive price.
Education and Training
Education and training is an effort to increase teachers and to develop professional resources based on their every own skill. Hamalik (2005) mentioned that one of the educational and training function is to better the working performance of cadets. Nadler (1982) stated that training is a process of intentional learning which is different from nonresidential learning. Learning is a process of alteration of knowledge, skill and attitude so that the learning program in a training must be planned for as organization’s need (Rothwell, 1988). Megginson, et al (1995:182) mentioned that education is learning several and acquiring broad, generalizing knowledge while training is learning specific duties, responsibilities, skill and techniques. According to Torrington (1994:290), training is the process of increasing knowledge and skill which involve attitude alteration. Education and training is a process of teaching and learning using certain technique and method in order to increase the skill and attitude of a person or a group to solve the problem immediately.
This study uses the qualitative approach with various cases. It means this study explores two different educational institutions. A case study is an intensive description and certain phenomena analysis of individual, group, institution or society (Sonhadji, 1996). while Bogdan and Biklen (1982) defined the case study as a detailinvestigation of one setting, one object, one combined documents or one certain case. This study was conducted in 2011 at Maritime Education and Training Services (BP2IP in Barombong and Tangerang and merchant marine polytechnic of Makassar. The data collection in this study is done by interviewing, documenting and observing.
Based on the findings, the discussion is explained in the table below starting from planning, organizing, motivating, controlling and qualifying.
Table 1.2:Case 1
Table 1.3:Case2
Table 1.4: Case 3
Table 1.2:Crossed Case Analysis
Based on the overall explanation above, this study can be summarized as followed:
Training program is planned per 10 years before the program started. There are six semesters in each period with on boar training and cadet record book provided for the participants.
There are institute which conducts eight semesters of the period; BP2IP Barombong, BP2IP Tanggeranngand PIP Makassar with two major program for the every cadets, including the Nautika and the Tehnika program.
Organizational system is formed through dividing job description for each division staff. This division is based on the function to implement the management system and quality standard to achieve the organization goals.
Motivation is sourced from the energy of each person to create the persistence and enthusiasm. This motivation is from both internal and external factor.
Controlling system is one of the management function to determine the management process and to guarantee the training result based on the rules existed.
Qualifying the quality is a must for an institution. Thus, these three institutes qualify each own institute starting from the educators until the society. So, the graduates will possess professionalization and ready to act both in national or international.
BP2IP Barombong and BP2IP Tangerang should re-arrange the master plan more detail in 5-10 years.
For PIP, the first until the sixth semester is better to give more theory and lab/simulator practice while in the fifth until the last semester, the cadets should practice on the ship.
Further research related to this study case may provide more information about Marine to complete th previous studies.
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