The International Seafarers Welfare and Assistance Network (ISWAN) has launched a new video aimed at seafarers, onboard, or ashore. The video features Dr Kate Thompson, a counselling psychologist, providing advice to seafarers who are affected by the Covid 19 Pandemic.
With seafarers unable to leave vessels for crew changes or unable to travel back to their home countries, the video provides information on how they can cope in the current crisis.
Now with the virus affecting the labour supply countries, seafarers are also, understandably, anxious about their family and loved ones back home.
Roger Harris, Executive Director of ISWAN, said ‘We are receiving a lot of calls on our SeafarerHelp helpline so we decided to produce this video to help allay some of the anxieties of seafarers onboard and ashore. We hope that the video will be shared widely around the world.’
Press Release